Our 3rd-5th grade GT students enjoyed working with the Theatre Squared group at Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative today. They had the opportunity to learn more about Shakespeare and even got to participate in a skit.
JC Westside Jr and Sr high cheerleaders will be hosting a future Rebel cheerleader camp September 26-29th! The camp is for JC Westside students in 1-6th grade. The cost is $35, includes a camp t-shirt, and is due to Coach (Sarah) Bartmier by September 22nd. Use the QR code to access the registration form and more details today!
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
We are looking forward to seeing all parents/guardians this Thursday, September 15th from 4-7pm for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Due to changes made by ADE we will NOT be releasing students early.
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
Mark your calendars picture day is September 13th! #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
SAVE THE DATE 📣 Shop our Elementary Book Fair starting 9/12-9/15 and support our school!
5th grade enjoying their popsicle treats for last week's attendance.
Attention Westside students, August 18th (this Thursday) we will have a special hat day K-12! Bring $1 to wear your hat! All proceeds will go to support a Westside family.
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
21-22 Yearbook information:
K-6th grade - your yearbooks will be available for pick up at Open House on August 11th. 6th graders your yearbooks will be available at the high school open house. If you have any question please email Mrs. Ross at eross@westsiderebels.net
7-12th grade - you may begin picking up your yearbooks tomorrow (8/5) at the high school between 9am-2pm or at Open House on August 11th. If you have any questions please email Mr. Mayes at jmayes@westsiderebels.net
We will be selling any extra yearbooks, first come first serve, $45 each.
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
The 22-23 Open House for JC Westside Elementary and High School will be Thursday August 11th from 5-7pm. 7-12th grade students are encouraged to pay their class dues at open house (7-10th grade $10 annually and 11th-12th grade $20 annually). Also 6-12th grade students will be able to pick up course schedules.
We are looking forward to seeing you all and hearing all about your summer! See you on the 11th.
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
Registration Information:
For students who have moved into the school district during the summer or
filed for school choice by May 1, 2022.
August 1st – August 4th from 8:00-12:00pm & 1:00-2:30.
For Grades K-5
Registration will be held at the elementary campus in Hartman.
For Grades 6-12
Registration will be at the high school campus in Coal Hill.
Parents need to bring: the
- student’s birth certificate
- shot record
- social security card and
- the mailing address and/or phone number of the school the student(s) previously attended.
If you are unable to attend one of these dates please call the appropriate office at (479) 497-1088 (Elementary) or (479) 497-1171 (High School).
Open house will be held at the Elementary and High School campuses on Thursday, August 11th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. High school students may pick-up their schedules at this time.
All school supplies* will be provided for the 22-23 school year. Parents please just send your child with a backpack.
*This does not include class dues for 7-12th grade students to support class events/activities. Parents please send your child's class dues the first week of school (7-10th grade $10 annually and 11th-12th grade $20 annually).
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
All school supplies will be provided for the 22-23 school year. Parents please just send your child with a backpack.
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
The 22-23 Open House for JC Westside Elementary and High School will be Thursday August 11th from 5-7pm. We are looking forward to seeing you all and hearing all about your summer! See you on the 11th.
Happy 4th of July!
#jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
To all of the men and woman who have given their lives to defend our freedoms, we remember and honor you today. May all of our students and their families have a blessed and safe day.
Happy Memorial Day - JC Westside Schools
Westside families, summer is hours away and you are probably making all kinds of great plans. Go ahead and take look at the 22-23 Academic Calendar and make plans all the way through next summer!! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1812/JCWSD/2101606/2022-2023_Academic_Calendar.pdf
Fifth Grade students enjoyed an end of the year field trip to Clarksville Cinema and Cline Park
The elementary students and staff were treated with a graduate walkthrough this morning. Congratulations Class of 2022!
Summer Food Program hosted by JC Westside.
May 31st- July 29th (closed July 4th)
Breakfast 7:30-8:30 am
Lunch 11:30-12:30 pm
Grab-n-Go in the High School Cafeteria.
ACT Aspire testing continues tomorrow for our elementary students. Parents/Guardians help your student to get a good night's rest tonight so that they continue to do their best! We are so proud of them all them!! Keep it up!! Almost done!