2021 Graduation



LOCATION: Westside High School Football Field

DATE: Thursday, May 13th, 2021

TIME: 6:00 pm

In case of bad weather on Thursday the 13th the date and time of graduation will be as follows:

DATE: Saturday, May 15th, 2021

TIME: 6:00 pm

In case of bad weather on Saturday the 15th the location, date, and time of graduation will be as follows:

DATE: Saturday, May 15th, 2021

TIME: 6:00pm

LOCATION: High School Gym


TICKETS: Each graduate will be allocated 12 tickets for football field graduations. 

         *In the event that graduation must be moved indoors each senior will be allocated 6 tickets for graduation. 


Additional ticket requests:

A request for additional tickets can be picked up and filled out in the high school office. It must be returned by April 30th. Additional tickets will be granted based on availability. 


A Livestream link will be provided the week of graduation.