Attention the Snowflake Winter Dance times have changed for January 25th
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Seniors: After February 15, shipping & handling charges will be added to all cap & gown unit orders making the units $50.00 plus tax. If the school or student is mailing these orders in, Josten's must have them in hand by February 15th to order them without the price increase. If you need help or have questions please see one of the your senior sponsors.
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
The Class of 2024 will be selling "Crush" grams for Valentines. These will be on sale from January 22nd to February 8th. Being delivered on Valentines day. Name, grade and a small message. All money raised will be used to pay for expenses for the graduation ceremony and to help pay for the senior trip on May 9th.
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
On February 10th the Senior Class is sponsoring Alumni basketball games. Let anyone you think might be interested know about this.
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
wayo and alumni
Hiring Substitute Teachers
about 1 year ago, Mike Hayes
JC Westside Now Hiring substitute teachers
Westside Snowflake Winter Dance​ ​ The 9th-grade class will be hosting a Jr High Dance on January 25th from 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm following the junior high basketball games. The dance is for grades 6th-9th with principal approval for older dates. Pre-ticket are on sale now in the library for $3.00 Tickets at the door $5.00 ​
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Seniors December 15th Deadlines Last day to order Cap & gown- buy now pay later Last day to order grad items and set up a payment plan Last day to order grad items with a deposit only After December 15th all grad items must be paid in full at time of order.
about 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Westside Schools would like to thank the sponsors of our 2023 Fall festival.
about 1 year ago, Mike Hayes
Thank you to our sponsors
Sponsors 2
23-24 Rebels Basketball Schedule
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
11/6-11/9 Rebel Shootout
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Rebel Shootout
Josten will be here Oct 30th During 1st hour to meet with the seniors for their announcements, cap and gown, then they will return on thursday Novemebr 2nd for orders
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Cap and Gown
Westside School District to hold Title I Meeting October 16 The annual Title I meeting for Westside School District will be held on Monday, October 16 at 5:45 p.m. in the Westside High School Cafeteria. Topics that will be covered include: parents’ right to know (regarding teacher qualifications), the annual school report card, student assessment reports, progress review of the district, written state complaint procedure, types of communication used by the district, and services available for parents with disabilities. Parents are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Virga Hayes at 497-1171
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Title 1
JC Westside School District Flu Clinic Flu Clinic will be held October 19th. Flu forms need to be back by Oct 18th. The Health Dept goes to the elementary first then we will be going to the high school.
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
It is not too late to join the Westside Shooting Sports Team. The shooting sports team is open to Westside students in grades 5 - 12. If you are interested in being on the shooting sports team this year, stop by Mr. Haltom’s room (Room 24) during Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, September 14th between 4:30 PM and 7:00 PM or email Mr. Haltom will be glad to visit with you.
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Fall School Pictures will be taken Wednesday September 13, 2023
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
​Fall Sports pictures will be taken Monday september 11, 2023 in the gym starting at 8am. Any questions ask Coach Busch
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Student section: Friday night's theme is duck calls and camo! Come out and fill the stands to support your Rebels!
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Don't forget about our Career Fair that will be in the High School Cafeteria on the night of parent-teacher conferences! We have so many great training programs that will be there to talk to all Westside families. September 14th - mark your calendars! P.S. Don't forget that we'll also have a professional here to talk to our seniors about financial aid, FAFSA, and the various ways to pay for college
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
We have an upcoming event for all Westside High School students and parents! On the night of Parent Teacher Conferences, 9/14, we are hosting a career fair. Parents and students will get the chance to talk to colleges and trade schools in Arkansas. After talking to your students' teachers, you can hop over to the cafeteria and gain some insight on the many options our Westside students have to pursue their dreams! SENIORS! We will also have a financial aid professional visiting to talk to you and your caregivers about the FAFSA and the various ways to pay for college. Make plans to be there for a fun, informative, night!
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney
Remember Band members, practice starts today at 4:30 pm. There will be some outside practice to prepare for the game this week. You must attend at least 2 practices this week and attend the game against Yellville-Summit. Let's cheer on our Rebels this week by working extra hard! Much love - Mr. O'D
over 1 year ago, Patricia Chaney