Attention JC Westside families, if you are planning to enroll your child in our virtual option for the 2021 Fall semester the deadline to sign up is August 10th, 2021 by 9am. Please contact the appropriate school office today so we can make sure to get your student enrolled.
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
virtual sign up by 8/10/21
Don’t miss out on your Rebel Football Fan Gear! The store will be available to order from through tomorrow 8/9/21. Rebel football receives $5 for each item sold! Thank you for your support! See you on the field 8/19/21 for our first home games! Go Rebels!! #westsiderebels #jcwestside
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Attention Westside students and families. The plans for open house have been updated. August 12th, the elementary invite families to drop by between 1-7pm, teachers come to meet you outside upon request. They will be glad to see you and answer questions you have. Also August 12th, the high school will have schedules available for pick up between 5-7pm. Teachers will be on campus and available should you want to meet them. A high school virtual open house will be shared via our website and Facebook on the 12th. We are looking forward to a great year! #westsiderebels #jcwestside
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
open house update
Rebel Summer Snapshot Nothing says summer in the River Valley like fishing! Baylor Payne (7th) got to do some bow fishing at Piney Bay and caught a good one! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshot Doesn't take much to make Ricky Pelts (8th) summer just no schools and some delicious watermelon! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshot Jase (3rd) and Ethan Williams (8th) had a great time exploring Devil's Den State Park this summer! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshot Ayla Highfill (8th) enjoyed Bands on the Beach at Pensacola Beach, Florida this summer!! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshots Jdon Morrow (7th), Lexi Cuevas (6th), Bella Cuevas (7th), Olivia Pelfrey (8th), and Grace Pelfrey (11th) had a blast in Gulf Shores, Alabama this summer! Making all the memories! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
!! Attention !! JC Westside families you will only need to provide your child with a backpack this year! The rest of your child’s supplies will be provided by the schools. #jcwestside #westsiderebels
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
School supplies are provided 21-22
Rebel Summer Snapshot Preston Pelts (7th) spending his summer speeding around Blue Mountain Lake in a tube. #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshot Taegen Rainey (7th) has been busy this summer spending time at rodeos, going swimming, and hanging out with her friend Holly Patterson. #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Rebel Summer Snapshot Lane Terherst (entering 10th) if you know this boy he loves all things outdoors, he has been taking advantage of summer hours by doing lots of fishing!! #jcwestsiderebels #rebelsummersnapshot
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Rebel Summer Snapshot
Open house will be held at the JC Westside Elementary and High School campuses on Thursday, August 12th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. High school students may pick-up their schedules at this time. #jcwestside #westsiderebels
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
JC Westside 21-22 Open House
Hey Westside Rebels, we miss you! We want to see what you have been up to all summer! Send in your "Summer Rebel Snapshots" for us to share on Facebook. Be sure to include the following when you send in your snapshot: 1. One Snapshot 2. Student(s) name and grade they are entering (Example: John Smith 5th) 3. Brief explanation of what you are doing and where you are. This will not be copy & pasted, but used to create a post. (Example: John Smith went to the creek to hunt for crawdads!) Email your summer snapshots to #summerrebelsnapshots #jcwestsiderebels #westside
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Rebels Snapshots
🇺🇸 Happy Independence Day America! 🇺🇸 💥 Be safe and enjoy the holiday Westside family. 💥 #jcwestside #westsiderebels #4thofJuly #happybirthdayAmerica
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
July 4th
Did you know that you can find all your student athlete's summer practice schedules on our new website and app?? Go to the High School section of the website or app and scroll to the bottom to find the calendar section. Check it out!
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Considering a virtual learning environment for your student for the 21-22 school year? Be informed! Things will be a little different next year. Contact us to find out more.
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
DLP 21-22
Memorial Day 2021
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Memorial Day
Middle and High School students your final report cards of the 2020-2021 school year will be available for you to pick up beginning tomorrow May 25th through May 3rd. High School office hours are 8am to 3pm (closed Memorial Day).
over 3 years ago, JC Westside
Final Report Card
Sr Trap is competing in the Sr High Regional tournament today in Jacksonville. Best of luck everyone! Go Rebels!
almost 4 years ago, JC Westside
sr trap