Westside High School is offering a HUNTER EDUCATION Class on SATURDAY, September 24, 2022, beginning at 8:00 AM. This class is for Westside students ONLY who are in the 6th - 12th grade. Students who are interested in being on the Westside Trap Team must have taken and passed a Hunter Education class to participate. A Google form has been sent through school email to all students in Grades 6 - 12. The Google form must be completed before an invitation to the Hunter Education class will be sent to complete registration for the class. Contact Mr. Haltom at ghaltom@westsiderebels.net if you have any questions or need more information.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
hunter safety
First week of school is in the books for our Westside Rebels so you know what that means... It’s time for Friday Night Lights! We will be hosting the Danville Little John’s for a benefit game tonight. Junior High begins at 6pm followed by Senior High at 7pm. Come on out and cheer them on! #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Friday night lights
6th graders in Mr. Sisk’s STEM class kicked off the first week of school with some fun activities that engaged their creativity, made them think like an engineer, and got a little competitive. Way to go! #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Attention Westside students, August 18th (this Thursday) we will have a special hat day K-12! Bring $1 to wear your hat! All proceeds will go to support a Westside family. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Hat Day Fundraiser
Attention Westside Families, our high school bell schedule has changed just a little bit. Please note the changes and plan accordingly. Due to the slight changes ALL buses will be running just a few minutes earlier. If you have any questions you can contact the school for more information. The new bell schedule can also be found on the high school homepage. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Updated Bell Schedule
FBLA is hosting our fall Blood Drive on August 30th. See Mrs. Bartmier for permission slips if you need one. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Blood Drive
Westside Cheer practice for the week of 8/8/22. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
cheer practice
Westside Rebel Golf practice schedule for the week of 8/8/22. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
golf practice
Westside Rebel Football practice schedule for the week of 8/8/22. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
football practice
21-22 Yearbook information: K-6th grade - your yearbooks will be available for pick up at Open House on August 11th. 6th graders your yearbooks will be available at the high school open house. If you have any question please email Mrs. Ross at eross@westsiderebels.net 7-12th grade - you may begin picking up your yearbooks tomorrow (8/5) at the high school between 9am-2pm or at Open House on August 11th. If you have any questions please email Mr. Mayes at jmayes@westsiderebels.net We will be selling any extra yearbooks, first come first serve, $45 each. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Yearbook Update
The 22-23 Open House for JC Westside Elementary and High School will be Thursday August 11th from 5-7pm. 7-12th grade students are encouraged to pay their class dues at open house (7-10th grade $10 annually and 11th-12th grade $20 annually). Also 6-12th grade students will be able to pick up course schedules. We are looking forward to seeing you all and hearing all about your summer! See you on the 11th. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Open House
Hello Musicians! This is a 2-part announcement, so read carefully. For 9-12 High School Band: If you are interested in learning marching skills, starting our first year selecting pep band music, or learning a song specifically made for Westside (it's a secret what it is right now...), please come by the HS Music Room. Mr. Johnson will also send email out to those already enrolled. ALSO, lessons are resuming for this week and next week starting today (8/3). Email Mr. Johnson for more information.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
music update
Attention High School Football Players! Practice schedule for this week 8/1. Parents/friends please share!
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Football the week of 8/1
Attention High School Football Players! Practice schedule for this week 7/25. Parents/friends please share!
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
football practice the week of 7/25/22
No music lessons today or next Thursday due to unforeseen circumstances. Contact Mr. Johnson for rescheduling.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Last week our junior high and senior high Lady Rebel basketball teams traveled to Rolla, MO for team camp. All the girls got a lot of playing time, showed some great hustle, and had fun growing as a team. We are looking forward to watching our Lady Rebels on the court come November! Keep up the good work girls! #wecan #ladyrebelsbasketball #jcwestside #jobnsoncountyar
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
girls camp
We are sad to announce the boys basketball play night scheduled for today has been canceled due to the AC not working in the gym. Parents that donated items for concession we plan to use everything that is none perishable for a fundraiser in the near future. Parents that purchased perishables if they will contact Sarah Bartmier ASAP if you would like to pick them up.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
play night
Registration Information: For students who have moved into the school district during the summer or filed for school choice by May 1, 2022. August 1st – August 4th from 8:00-12:00pm & 1:00-2:30. For Grades K-5 Registration will be held at the elementary campus in Hartman. For Grades 6-12 Registration will be at the high school campus in Coal Hill. Parents need to bring: the - student’s birth certificate - shot record - social security card and - the mailing address and/or phone number of the school the student(s) previously attended. If you are unable to attend one of these dates please call the appropriate office at (479) 497-1088 (Elementary) or (479) 497-1171 (High School). Open house will be held at the Elementary and High School campuses on Thursday, August 11th from 5:00pm-7:00pm. High school students may pick-up their schedules at this time.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
student registration
Tuesday will be the last boys basketball play night. Here is the schedule, we hope to see lots of parents and fans there. Thank you to all coaches, players, parents, and friends that have made our summer play nights successful! Also our senior boys will be heading to Branson Wednesday-Friday for team camp. #rebelbasketball #weisgreaterthanme
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
play night basketball
Westside Senior High football will practice Monday night 8-10pm only due to several being gone to basketball camp later in the week. Westside Junior High Football will practice in shirts/shorts/helmets on Thursday and Friday of this week from 7-9 pm.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
football practice