Jr High and Sr High students who signed up for cheer should have received an email with additional tryout and expectations information. If you did not or you have any questions contact Mrs. Bartmier at sbartmier@westsiderebels.net
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
cheer info
All school supplies* will be provided for the 22-23 school year. Parents please just send your child with a backpack. *This does not include class dues for 7-12th grade students to support class events/activities. Parents please send your child's class dues the first week of school (7-10th grade $10 annually and 11th-12th grade $20 annually). #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
School Supplies Provided
Mark your calendar’s 2023 Seniors! Cap and Gown portraits are scheduled for August 29th. If you would also like the casual portraits bring an extra outfit. Please come looking your best and prepared to pay the photographer a $20 proof fee. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
cap and gown portraits
All school supplies will be provided for the 22-23 school year. Parents please just send your child with a backpack. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
School Supplies Provided
The 22-23 Open House for JC Westside Elementary and High School will be Thursday August 11th from 5-7pm. We are looking forward to seeing you all and hearing all about your summer! See you on the 11th.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
22-23 Open House 5-7pm
Attention High School Football Players! Practice schedule for this week 7/11. Parents/friends please share!
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
senior football practice
Hello musicians! Mr. and Mrs. Johnson has been working extremely hard to prepare for the upcoming year! Many things will be changing, so come visit us, practice, or help us out on the dates on the poster below. Any updates on lesson times and changes will be sent to those that provided contact information. We hope to see you real soon!
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
music practice
Happy 4th of July! #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #rivervalley
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Happy 4th of July
Congratulations Naomi Jennings! She placed 7th over all nationally in the Middle Level FBLA Leadership competition! Naomi began this process nearly a year ago! She has spent hours studying and preparing for each competition at the district, state, and national level. Naomi also spent hours fundraising in order to make her way to Chicago for the national competition. The hard work paid off! “I couldn’t be more proud to be Naomi’s FBLA Advisor. She has put in the time and effort to prove she is a determined young woman. I look forward to seeing where her work ethic and determination take her in the future.” - Mrs. Bartmier
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Congratulations Naomi Jennings
Congratulations Naomi
Congratulations Naomi
Naomi Jennings is in Chicago this week to compete at the National FBLA Conference. It has been a great trip and today she competes! Please wish her luck. We are so proud of her hard work and how she is representing our school at the national level.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Attention Jr and Sr High girls who signed up for cheer... camp/tryouts will be July 18th, 19th, and 25th from 5-8pm at the high school. Please make plans to be there. I am thrilled to get our cheerleaders off to a great start! Please contact me if you have any questions - Mrs. Bartmier sbartmier@westsiderebels.net
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout - Rena Palmer
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Hunter Holman
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Sierra Qualls
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Carson Hurst
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Dalila Rivas
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Ashton Yarbrough
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Hello music students, I hope you're enjoying your summer break - Mr. and Mrs. Johnson! I would like to invite you to join summer music practice for Band and Choir. Whether you're joining for the first time, wanting to continue improving, or see what all we do in Band or Choir at Westside High. We are planning to do practice on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays starting at 2 pm, depending on the group sizes and needs of the students. This week, Newcomers to Band will try out instrument mouthpieces before being placed on our school-provided instruments, schedule ahead for any day, June 21-24. Any available music students will be practicing fundamentals starting July 12. More than one student must show up to have lessons, parents and guardians are welcome to observe. If you're wanting to try out for early marching band basics before Sr Band, let Mr. Johnson know and we'll have extended lessons for marching fundamentals, routines, colorguard (flags with Mrs. Johnson), and so much more! We are growing well, other directors I have talked to are amazed at what we've accomplished. We're so proud to have such talented students at Westside! If you're interested in lessons, contact Mr. Johnson at ljohnson@westsiderebels.net or contact the high school at (479) 497-1171 to leave a message with contact information for scheduling.
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
summer music
Summer Shoutout - Brock Chrisman
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -
Summer Shoutout - Braler Robinson
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
Summer Shoutout -