We have one FBLA student that qualified for Nationals, Naomi Jennings. Naomi is going to be raising funds to help pay her way to the National Leadership Conference in June through various bake sales. Here is a great opportunity to support Naomi as she goes on to represent us in Chicago. Naomi is hosting an online bake sale through late June. You can contact her to make your orders and arrange for pick up! She will also be set up at the Hartman Park a couple Saturdays in June, please stop by to see her and show your support. The best contact to place your order is 479-213-2965. You can choose from a variety of delicious items! Original chocolate chip cookies Molassas spice cookies Double chocolate dream cookies Mini chip snowball cookies No bake chocolate peanut butter bars Layers of love chocolate brownies Lemon bars Mint brownies Chocolate brownies Peanut butter and chocolate cake Peppermint bark Cookies: $1 per 2 $5 per dozen Bars/brownies: $1 per bar $15 per batch Cake: $20 per whole cake Candy: $10 per pound
over 2 years ago, JC Westside
FBLA Nationals
Westside families, summer is hours away and you are probably making all kinds of great plans. Go ahead and take look at the 22-23 Academic Calendar and make plans all the way through next summer!! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1812/JCWSD/2101606/2022-2023_Academic_Calendar.pdf
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Graduation begins at 6pm you can join live here https://youtu.be/cf1EHPRVJwE
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Attention Juniors (Class of 2023) don’t forget to share this tentative outline of all things SENIOR with your parent/guardian! Senior year is just around the corner! Be sure to get signed up on the remind and Google classroom.
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
class of 23
We will be live-streaming the awards assembly this afternoon from our YouTube channel beginning at 1pm for junior high and middle school. https://youtube.com/channel/UCYcdcHJKfPw9nqG6KSjSgmA
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
We will be live-streaming the awards assembly this morning from our YouTube channel beginning at 9am for senior high and 1pm for junior high and middle school. https://youtube.com/channel/UCYcdcHJKfPw9nqG6KSjSgmA
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight - Cameron Serratt. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Cameron! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Cameron Serratt
Senior Spotlight - Derek Brown. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Derek! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Derek Brown
Senior Spotlight - Maria Tongco. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Maria! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Maria Tongco
Senior Spotlight - Skylar Morgan. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Skylar! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Skylar Morgan
Senior Spotlight - Brady Funk. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Brady! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Brady Funk
Senior Spotlight - Delci Lau. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Delci! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Delci Lau
Senior Spotlight - Brayden Edwards. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Brayden! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Brayden Edwards
Senior Spotlight - Dakota Beavers. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Dakota! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Dakota Beavers
Senior Spotlight - Justice Cato. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Justice! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Justice Cato
Senior Spotlight - Ranson Morgan. We are looking forward to seeing what your future holds Ranson! Keep up the good work. #westsiderebels #meetthechallenge #johnsoncountyar #seniorspotlight
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Ranson Morgan
Today was the Regional West Senior 2022 Tournament at the AGFF/Jacksonville Shooting Sports Complex. There were 126 squads consisting of 542 individual shooters. Westside came up short on qualifying for the State Tournament but it was a lot of fun this season. I want to recognize senior Sladen Sisk who hit 45 out of 50 today. He has been involved with trap since we started the program. Good luck to him in his future endeavors.
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Sr Trap
The West Regional Junior 2022 Trap Tournament was held today, May 6th, at the AGFF/Jacksonville Shooting Sports Complex. The junior division is made up of students who are in the 6th - 8th grade. There were 81 squads made up of 348 individual shooters who competed. Johnson County Westside Junior Squad # 1, consisting of Baylor Payne, Kaeden Bartmier, Preston Pelts, Hudson Bartmier, and Jalen Floyd, came in 12th place, which qualified the squad to attend the state tournament. The top 16 teams from each region are invited to the state tournament which will be held June 3rd in Jacksonville. Since starting the trap program in 2018, this is the first squad from Westside to qualify for the state tournament. The trap team is coached by Gerald Haltom and Nathan Griffith.
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
Softball regional game update!! The start time for our game has been pushed back to 5pm tomorrow (Friday, May 6th). Be sure to purchase your tickets on line they will not be available at the gate. https://gofan.co/app/events/604350?schoolId=AR17004
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside
regional tickets
Attention Westside Jr and Sr Athletes the 2022 athletic banquet will be May 9th at 6:00pm in the high school cafeteria. Each Jr and Sr high athlete is invited and may bring two guests. Dinner will be provided.
almost 3 years ago, JC Westside