Softball and Baseball District Tournament has been scheduled! Cheer on your Rebels at Mansfield next week!
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
district tournament
district tournament
Due to the chance for inclement weather tonight's games have been moved to tomorrow 4/21/23, both begin at 4pm.
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
game update
Today's Senior Spotlight is Hunter Cowell. Hunter's future plans are to attend Arkansas Tech to study Early Childhood Education. We are proud of you Hunter, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Cheer tryouts begin tomorrow (4/20/23) at 6pm at the high school gym. Girls if you have not turned in your physical or your signed tryout agreement you must have both with you in order to participate in the tryout. If you have questions stop by Mrs. Bartmier's room. If you are a current student at Westside and interested in participating in cheer for the 23-24 school you must participate in the tryout. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Cheer Tryouts
Bus Route Update for 4/19/23 - The Cat Bus will be combined on the Whale Bus this afternoon. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Bus update
Today's Senior Spotlight is Kallista Combs. Kallista's future plan is to become an Occupational Therapist. We are proud of you Kallista , keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Today's Senior Spotlight is Devin Keith. Devin's future plans are to attend the University of the Ozarks to become a coach. We are proud of you Devin, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Today's Senior Spotlight is Austin Patton. Austin's future plans are to attend Arkansas Tech to become a Special Education teacher. We are proud of you Austin, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Johnson County Westside Prom is this Saturday, April 22nd, in the high school cafeteria and is scheduled to last from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The photographer will be set up and be available to take pictures beginning at 5:00 PM. Picture forms are on the counter in the high school office or you can see Mr. Haltom to get a copy of the form. Picture forms and money are due to the photographer when the pictures are taken. There will be "Door Prizes" given away at the prom. The prizes are all Walmart gift cards. If you are a Westside junior or senior and you returned your RSVP your name will be in the drawing. To win, YOU MUST BE PRESENT to claim your prize if your name is drawn. The approximate times for the drawings and prizes are: 7:00 PM - $25.00 7:15 PM - $25.00 7:30 PM - $25.00 7:45 PM - $50.00 8:00 PM - $75.00 This is going to be a great week to be a Westside Rebel!
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
 prom update
Students who have signed up for cheer tryouts the tryout cheer, chant, stomp, and dance have been shared to your school email. Please make efforts to begin learning these prior to the first tryout practice on Thursday. Also girls please wear comfortable running shoes/cheer and bring a water bottle for tryout practices.
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
cheer tryouts
6th-10th graders don't forget to charge your chromebook to be ready for ACT Aspire testing this week! #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Charge your chromebook
Today's Senior Spotlight is Abriona Muniz. Abriona's future plans are to attend Arkansas Tech to study Constitutional Law. We are proud of you Abriona, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Today's Senior Spotlight is Clayton Kimbrough. Clayton's future plans are work at the Walmart Distribution Center. We are proud of you Clayton, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Senior Spotlight
Westside Jr. Rebels competed in the Quitman Relays, we had the Individual High Point in both the boys and girls, congratulations Olivia Pelfrey and Zane Smith. The Boys team finished 5th overall and the girls team placed 7th. Here are the detailed results: Boys Tyler Seratt- Freshman 5th 100 M Dash 12.16 NW 3 (1) 4 points 2nd 300 M Hurdles 47.40 1 (1) 8 points 6th 4x100 54.38 1 (4) 7th 4x 200 1:52.67 Zane Smith- Freshman 4th 200 M Dash 25.62 NW 3 (3) 5 points 1st 400 M Dash 56.03 1 (1) 10 points 1st 300 M Hurdles 44.66 2 (1) 10 points 1st High Jump 5' 6 1 (1) 10 points 6th Long Jump 17' 3 NW 4 (3) 3points **2023 Quitman Relays Boys High Point Peyton Williamson-Freshman 7th 200 M Dash 26.68 NW 1 (3) 1.5points 6th 4x100 54.38 1 (4) 7th 4x 200 1:52.67 Hayden Yarbrough 6th 4x100 54.38 1 (4) 7th 4x 200 1:52.67 Braxtyn Martin 6th 4x100 54.38 1 (4) 7th 4x 200 1:52.67 Girls Olivia Pelfrey 3rd 100 M Dash 13.74 NW 4 (2) 6points 4th 200 M Dash 29.20 NW 4 (2) 5 points 1st 100m Hurdles 18.66 NW 3 (1) 10points 1st 300m Hurdles 55.54 2 (1) 10points 1st Girls Shot 34' 5 1 (1) 10points **2023 Quitman Relays Girls High Point #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Today's Senior Spotlight is Brandon Harderson. Brandon's future plans are to become a pastor . We are proud of you Brandon, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Brandon Harderson
Bus Route Update for the rest of the week - The Cat Bus will be combined on the Whale Bus in the afternoon 4/12 and 4/13. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
 bus update
The time has come to show off all that learning!! ACT Aspire for grades 6-10th is next week, April 17th, 18th, 19th, & 20th. We will be testing first thing each morning and then we will run a full modified schedule the rest of the day. We know you are all going to do great! Don't forget a few helpful test your best tips: 1. Get a good night's sleep, so get to bed early! 2. Get a good breakfast full of healthy proteins and nutrients to help you stay focused. 3. Arrive to your testing room on time. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
ACT Aspire Testing 23
Today's Senior Spotlight is Abbagail Bowman. Abbagail's future plans are to Arkansas Tech University . We are proud of you Abbagail, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you achieve your goals after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Abbagail Bowman
Bus Route Update for today 4/11/23 - The Cat Bus will be combined on the Whale Bus this afternoon. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Bus Route Update
Today's Senior Spotlight is Lane Waln. Lane's future plans are undetermined at this time. We are proud of you Lane, keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing where life takes you after high school. #jcwestside #westsiderebels #johnsoncountyar #arkansas #seniorspotlight
almost 2 years ago, JC Westside
Lane Waln